Shopping Season!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

It's that time again! Shopping time! 

So, I know I didn't post anything about my winter capsule but the consensus was that I LOVED it. I could count the amount of times on ONE hand that I looked in my closet and thought "I don't know what to wear?" That's huge for me.

I went on this capsule adventure to try and gain a better sense of what my style was, but also to gain control over the power style and appearance had in my life. I wanted to cut out the energy and time I would spend trying to pick out an outfit and put it towards something actually life giving. 

This was the second time in 3 months I was inside the walls of TJ maxx. The other time was to get a butter dish...Garrett had a rough time getting me to leave the women's section on the way in...and the way out. Ha. I really did have to cut myself off to going inside any shopping centers because I didn't want to tempt myself. Hopefully that gets easier as I continue this process. But honestly, after a while of no shopping or store emails, I didn't miss shopping anymore. It's quite freeing. 

Now it's spring, and here starts a new shopping season. I have mapped it all out and right now it looks like I already own more than half of my spring capsule. Which is great! Spring is a little tricky because it will still be fairly chilly in the beginning of April, but will already have some scorchers by the end of June. I also have not had a warm weather wardrobe that didn't consist of mostly running shorts and tie dye t-shirts in the last four years because of my time spent at camp. 

         Exhibit A                                                                                                                                                           Exhibit B

(Love you, Joy!)

I won't be getting rid of all of these clothes, in hopes that I will be in camp life again someday soon, but it is time to find my spring/summer style. 
Can't wait to be done with the finished product and show you all! Cheers! 
Happy shopping! 

Here is a link to the wardrobe planner I use! Good luck!

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