Daring Greatly: Take Time

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sometimes you just need a morning of pancakes and reading. A night of popcorn and a movie. A 10 minute break at work to sit by a window. A day away in a fun town. A night at a concert. 

 Garrett and I have been working on the culture of boundaries in our family. What do we say yes to as a family and what is packing too much into one day? One week? One hour? Catching ourselves BEFORE we reach the breaking point. Planning a three day weekend months in advance to give ourselves something fun to look forward to.

Mornings like these and moments like these should be more frequent for all of us. Take this as a sign and treat yourself to some down time. Plan a weekend to visit a friend or to do some exploring. You deserve it! You can't make your dreams come true when you don't even have time to dream them up. #allthecliches 

Sidenote: I have recently read BrenĂ© Brown's: Daring Greatly
If you have not read it I HIGHLY recommend it. The book explores vulnerability versus shame. It helps you take a look at your past through a new lense and look towards your future with new hope. 

Pancakes Make People Happy Mug: P.O.S.H
Pancakes Make People Happy Plate: P.O.S.H.

"We have to believe we are enough to say "Enough!""
                                     -BrenĂ© Brown: Daring Greatly

BlogLovin' + Blogs I Follow

Exciting news! My blog is now on Bloglovin'! This website may be old news to a majority of you. However, I'm still learning this whole thing. For those of you who don't know, Bloglivin' takes all of the blogs you follow and combines them together. No more typing in each URL everyday to stay updated. It will list the blog updates for the day of the blogs you follow right there for you! You can also put YOUR blog up on the website to give people you don't know an opportunity to stubble across it. Go ahead and look around on there. 
You can find some amazing things! 

Here are some of the blogs that I follow! 

A Beautiful Mess

This Mom's Gonna SNAP!

Saturated Canary



Happy blog hunting everyone!
p.s. If you found me on BLOGLOVIN' months from now and think I am so weird for posting this. ha. I'm only kind of sorry. 

Brighter Homes are Happy Homes

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The view we get now that we actually use the island. 

This just in: Another wierd furniture hack done in the Langebartels loft! Except this time it's not from a children's store! Praise. 
I know you don't know what this corner looked like before, but if you were to look up the word 'sad' in the dictionary...it would have been a picture of this corner of our house. It was like a place only Eeyore would be seen hanging out at. We bought the island so we would stop eating on our couch...and then we just kept eating on our couch. SO, we (garrett) painted it white, sanded the top, and then put a lamp on it. Since then we have eaten there TWICE. 
We have plans to stain the top a little darker to make it look not so Target. 
But for now, we have our living room back to normal! Well, besides all of Garrett's music equipment....but I will save that rant for the next post.  

In the mean time, watch this insane performance by Lady Gaga from the Oscar's. Just because.

Our Strange Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 15, 2015

 We have started our hand in DIY projects, and I have to say, I love them. My mom has always said how she loves handyman work. I thought she was nuts...but it's actually super addicting. 

I don't know how you spent your valentine's day. Maybe a girls movie night. Maybe dinner with your significant other. 

Here is how I spent mine:
  1. Garrett bought donuts and flowers from the grocery and we hosted his brother's family for a few short hours in the morning. They are wonderful.  
  2. We got ready. Not too dressed up but maybe just a little more than normal. Went to the coffee shop. 
  3. Then we went to Lowe's. 
  4. One closet organizer, two new plants, a can of white paint, ten dresser knobs, and a can of stain. 
    1. Side note: Ask my family. This is a dream date. Closet organizers are the way to my heart.
Now proceeds the before and after pictures of our projects. There is another project still in the works that will be on the blog later this week!

Our knobs used to look like they belonged in Whoville. Cindy Lou Who, you can have your weird dresser knobs back.
Yeah, that's right. Pottery Barn Kids. Like, for children.
Our closet was a straight MESS. 
Wahoo! We can finally walk in!!

My favorite = Organization

Garrett's Favorite = private library

Overall is was a wonderful Valentines day. We did get a late lunch/ early dinner in there somewhere at our favorite Mexican restaurant right down the road from us. Fajitas La Cascada. Amen. 
My Love
Sippin' on that Colada

Happy belated Valentine's day, friends!