Cassandra's Capsule

Friday, September 11, 2015

Cassandra's closet when we started.

Making Piles.

Cross referencing her latest pins to catch the vision for her desired style.

The "give away" pile.

Cassandra's Capsule:

1. Why did you want to do a capsule?

I was interested in the capsule after moving to my new apartment. I could barely fit all my clothes in my closet and had three bins under my bed. I knew I didn't honesty wear a lot of them and I was needing new clothes anyway. When Shea told me about her capsule experience of minimizing her wardrobe, I knew that I wanted to try it.

2.  What were your fears in capsuling?

I think I was nervous about giving away clothes that carried sentimental value or ones that I spent a lot of money on but never wore.

3. How was the actual process for you?

The process was so freeing. After I started adding clothes to the donate pile I realized they didn't even represent my style. I was holding on to clothes from high school, and that's just ridiculous. The pile of clothes that I kept made more sense to who I am.

4. Was it hard to define and capture "your capsule"?

Looking at Pinterest with Shea helped. I realized I had been pinning a lot of black, burgundy and olive green. When we went through my clothes we evaluated each item to see if it fit my style. It also helps with knowing what purchases to make next. I want to buy things that represent me instead of anything that just fits.

5. How are you feeling now that it's done?

I honestly don't miss the clothes I got rid of. When I look in my closet I just love everything in there. It's so me! It makes getting ready so easy and I'm excited to be more creative when it comes to putting together outfits.

Photos by: Cassandra Lour
Cassandra's fall capsule, complete.


  1. shea you are a dream and a half. please come help me.

    1. I would love to!!! Someday when I am rich and have unlimited vacation time! To what state would I need to travel?

    2. I would love to!!! Someday when I am rich and have unlimited vacation time! To what state would I need to travel?
