Our Strange Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 15, 2015

 We have started our hand in DIY projects, and I have to say, I love them. My mom has always said how she loves handyman work. I thought she was nuts...but it's actually super addicting. 

I don't know how you spent your valentine's day. Maybe a girls movie night. Maybe dinner with your significant other. 

Here is how I spent mine:
  1. Garrett bought donuts and flowers from the grocery and we hosted his brother's family for a few short hours in the morning. They are wonderful.  
  2. We got ready. Not too dressed up but maybe just a little more than normal. Went to the coffee shop. 
  3. Then we went to Lowe's. 
  4. One closet organizer, two new plants, a can of white paint, ten dresser knobs, and a can of stain. 
    1. Side note: Ask my family. This is a dream date. Closet organizers are the way to my heart.
Now proceeds the before and after pictures of our projects. There is another project still in the works that will be on the blog later this week!

Our knobs used to look like they belonged in Whoville. Cindy Lou Who, you can have your weird dresser knobs back.
Yeah, that's right. Pottery Barn Kids. Like, for children.
Our closet was a straight MESS. 
Wahoo! We can finally walk in!!

My favorite = Organization

Garrett's Favorite = private library

Overall is was a wonderful Valentines day. We did get a late lunch/ early dinner in there somewhere at our favorite Mexican restaurant right down the road from us. Fajitas La Cascada. Amen. 
My Love
Sippin' on that Colada

Happy belated Valentine's day, friends!


  1. the amount of domestication going on in this post is overwhelming. and i love it. your closet is lo longer as wasteland!!

  2. Girl, this sounds like the IDEAL Valentine's Day. Four of my favorite things- donuts, organizing, DIY make-over projects and Mexcain food!

    Glad to see you guys are having fun making your first home together.

    1. Audrey! YES! I am thankful you understand. I knew you would! We are having so much fun indeed!
      Let us know the next time you're near Chicago :) Love you two!
