Sometimes you just need a morning of pancakes and reading. A night of popcorn and a movie. A 10 minute break at work to sit by a window. A day away in a fun town. A night at a concert.
Garrett and I have been working on the culture of boundaries in our family. What do we say yes to as a family and what is packing too much into one day? One week? One hour? Catching ourselves BEFORE we reach the breaking point. Planning a three day weekend months in advance to give ourselves something fun to look forward to.
Mornings like these and moments like these should be more frequent for all of us. Take this as a sign and treat yourself to some down time. Plan a weekend to visit a friend or to do some exploring. You deserve it! You can't make your dreams come true when you don't even have time to dream them up. #allthecliches
Sidenote: I have recently read Brené Brown's: Daring Greatly.
If you have not read it I HIGHLY recommend it. The book explores vulnerability versus shame. It helps you take a look at your past through a new lense and look towards your future with new hope.
Pancakes Make People Happy Mug: P.O.S.H
Pancakes Make People Happy Plate: P.O.S.H.
"We have to believe we are enough to say "Enough!""
-Brené Brown: Daring Greatly