Party Ambiance.
The Party Planner herself. She's pleased with her work.
Just incase we forget what letter our first names start with. Just incase.
These are some of the best.
Two Weeks from right now I will be at the rehearsal dinner for MY wedding. Woah.
I would like to take this opportunity to share some fun pictures from some of the parties that were thrown for Garrett and I along the way. The people in all of these pictures and the dedicated friends and family that planned each party really know how to do it right.
Some things that happened during one or some of these parties: dancing, sharing stories, dropping drinks on dance floors, hanging "panties" on my apartment wall, and some high class hospitality shown to me by the best people on the planet.
Thanks Morgan Judge for capturing the photos taken at my Aunt's BEAUTIFUL house.
This is a bit of a crazy long post filled with pictures and brief descriptions. So...hopefully you're into that sorta thing.
The Hosts of Bachelorette Party Numero Uno in Logan Square, Chicago
Maid of Honor: She bought me this awesome white romper from TopShop. She's a real hospitable gem. She also provided fresh cookies and milk around 1 am and paid for nearly all of our necessary and unnecessary uber rides around the city. Sorry for forgetting my ID...once again.
Morning after Chicago Bachelorette Party.
Pardon my crappy Iphone pictures. This is right after I realized I forgot my ID. We got tacos to go and ate them on the couch at my sister's apartment instead.
The manicure I got at the Beauty Bar at midnight. (That Amanda ALSO paid for. Have I said how great she is?) Shortly after this my drink was spilled all over the dance floor due to an aggressive booty bumper. (aka Macayla haha)
...and let us not forget getting out of our cab just so we could capture this picture with two complete strangers.
My future sister in laws! Yes...all of them! Yay for getting the big family experience I never had! This was at the very FIRST party of the season back in September in Indianapolis.
Yeah that's right. I have a soap dish. Welcome to adulthood, Shea.
Friends from Pre-school. Friends forever.
Now please enjoy the final segment of the longest blog post ever:
The picture montage of me in my blue dress with other people.
Rest assured that during every picture I debated whether or not I should put my hand on my hip or not in effort to appear "more girly."
Nicole, she set Garrett and I up. |
Morgan, she took these photos. |
Steph invited me to sit with her at lunch my
first week of high school. |
Kaitlin, the best roommate on planet earth.
I mean, i'm sure Garrett will a pretty
good roommate too. |
Alex, just the best. |
Macayla, the boot bumper. |
Mom. Mom's Mom. Mom's Sister. They cute. |
The End. Let's get married. (bridal party + Morgs)